Sunday, December 16, 2012

The origin of calligraphy 201210912 shungo sato

The origin of calligraphy 201210912  shungo sato

Topic:  The origin of calligraphy
What is calligraphy? At first, the letter was used only as means to convey. With development of the culture, a method to express was born aesthetic by a letter. Such aesthetic letters are called sho, and learning about that is calligraphy.  In generally, a thing used to writing brash and Chinese ink is called mohitu, and a thing used to a pen is called kohitu.
The origin of letters
The origin of calligraphy is Chinese. The Han race moved to the Yellow River coast from the northwest about 5,000 years ago. And the place became cultural center.  Because people carried out agriculture and livestock farming. Then, the letter was born, and Chinese calligraphy is beginning. Compare to the letter at the time with current letter, there are big difference. For example, at that time, the letter that mimics the shape of the animal was common. Shape of the letter began to change over time. The origin of writing brash and Chinese ink is not known clearly. But there are some theories. I would like to introduce to the origin of brash and Chinese ink.
The origin of writing brash and chinese ink
Nobody knows for sure. When the letter was born, Chinese people had dug letters in animal bone or metal. Then people used to a knife. Originally, writing brash and Chinese ink was not born to write the letter. They are created to color in pottery. These is the story of the years from 1600 to 1050 BC. Several hundred years, the brash was used to write the letter finally.
The origin of paper               
 The origin of the paper is said to be "papyrus" in ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago. But, the paper that we know were quite different. Which was the original form of the current paper is one that is present in the era of the Chinese Han. It is the story about 200 BC. Fabrication technology of this paper was spread by trade through the Silk Road.
Beginning of  mohitu
In this way, the tools of calligraphy is laid. From 206 BC to 221 BC, Chinese general moten had begun to mohitu. He made new calligraphy brash. At the time, the brush was made ​​from rabbit hair. In addition, a variety of animals, such as deer, cats, horses, goats were used. He was presented the brash to the emperor. This was a chance to spread calligraphy.
Calligraphy has a long history. Calligraphy has undergone various changes in its long history. Calligraphy has been developed not only in China but also in the West. Here is quite different from the Chinese Calligraphy. Next , I would like to introduce the history of these.

大島正二 『漢字伝来』(岩波新書、2006年)